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What does it mean to be a notable person?  


Being a notable person means that you have made a positive impact on the world and humanity itself. Hugh Jackman has earned the title of being a notable because he has impacted lots of people by showcasing the power of acting. He has influenced his audience by introducing them to new musicals and movies as he was the star and people love his work. He has brought light into the world by supporting people and guiding them on their journeys of discovery and magic. He is loved around the world. Additionally, Hugh Jackman has contributed to many charities, and he also participated in a global citizens live concert as an ambassador to support poor people and people having a hard time during covid. He has without a doubt brought joy into this world.  


Hugh Jackman has also founded his own charities, one being the Laughing Man Coffee. This was developed to support coffee farmers in poorer countries like Columbia. The company uses its profits so coffee farmers can keep growing their coffee beans, stay in the coffee Industry and supports their families. 


After Hugh and his wife Deborah adopted 2 children, Oscar Maximillian (2002) and Ava Elliott (2005) they realized how difficult the adoption process was and created the Zambi project from kids in Africa and all over the world. Since this program started it has helped a lot of children to be adopted around the world and has raised awareness that if someone is an orphan all they need is a loving family and a caring home.  


When Hugh Jackman was young and studying to be an actor, he felt like a dunce compared to the other students because they were all better than him or so Hugh thought. But this negativity gave Hugh his drive and perseverance and the thought that he could do better he tried and tried, and he said he had to be better. Finally, after his many classes he was the best in his class. Soon after he was asked by the ABC to feature in their series Correlli.   


Over Hugh Jackman’s career he has been nominated for awards over 73 times. He has only won 22 times overall. He was nominated once for a Grammy award, and he won!  Jackman was nominated for an academy award for best actor in the 2012 block buster movie Les Miserables. This makes Hugh Jackman notable because of his amazing traits and how good he is in his field of expertise. Hugh jackman is also really friendly and I think this made him a great actor which made the academy choose him for best actor.   


Over the time I have studied Hugh Jackman I have learnt that we have a lot of traits in common. One of the traits that I find that we both have is our love for musical theatre acting. My mum always told me when I was young about her acting career and how she found a love of it because she saw Hugh Jackman perform and knew that was what she wanted to do. I have always had acting as that key place in my heart because I have seen the power and what acting can create. And I have to say that Hugh Jackman was defiantly the reason I love acting and musicals. 

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