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Question 1. How was your Childhood growing up. Were there any hurdles you had to overcome? 

Answer 1. I had to overcome the feeling of anger and sadness because my mum left and returned to England leaving my dad to raise me and my siblings. 


Question 2 How did you decide to be an actor? 

Answer 2 I was offered a role in the long-running television show Neighbours, I chose to further refine my acting skills at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts in suburban Perth. This led to my long lasting career 


Question 3 What was your first job and was it interesting? 

Answer 3. My first jobs where part time he worked at 7-11 and I enjoyed that until later when he played King Aruther in Camelot which he made his acting debut. 


 Question 4 What happened with your family when you were young? 

Answer 4I had challenges because my mum and my Two sisters left to go off to England because of a divorce with my dad. 



Question 5 Why did you decide to be a charity man? 

Answer 5 I decided to be a charity man because of my Two kids being orphaned at a young age. I didn't want other kids to live in the conditions they did so that is why my wife and I are big charity and supporters. 

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